This 44 year old Mum of two has made over £100,000 from TikTok

and she wants to show you how to do it too


(and she's going to stop talking about herself in the third person from now on... promise!) 




When I started my first online business from scratch, I was told that TikTok was THE best platform to get organic traffic

But I was lost

The thought of starting on TikTok without help was overwhelming

Despite my efforts, my TikTok account struggled to grow

I felt frustrated and unsure about how to gain followers and expand my reach

I hated opening the TikTok app with its endless videos, trends, and ever-changing algorithms


I watched others succeed on TikTok, but I felt stuck

My videos went unnoticed, buried among the masses

Doubts crept in, questioning my abilities and whether TikTok success was even possible

But after months of relentless research, I cracked the code

Real paying customers started coming from TikTok

It wasn't just a stroke of luck; customers were reaching out to me consistently

Not only that - they were eager to work with me and pay for my expertise!


And because of the authority I'd built up on there, I was able to charge what I'm worth for my coaching. See some of my payments in the image over here 👉

Now I've condensed this life-changing knowledge into a step-by-step TikTok Mastery blueprint designed for busy people like you

Follow over 100 like-minded people who have taken the same course, conquered their challenges, and used TikTok to find new customers - consistently


Inside the course, you'll learn about:

  • A beginners guide to TikTok 
  • The TikTok algorithm and how to optimise your TikTok profile
  • How to film and edit inside the app 
  • What content will bring you the most sales

And most videos are under 20 minutes long (most much shorter, some a little longer) - so it's easy to fit some learning into your busy day!


It's your time to rewrite your story, be seen by your ideal customers, and enjoy the business success you've been dreaming of


Follow like-minded and empowered entrepreneurs who are usingTikTok to its fullest potential


Secure your spot today and embrace the TikTok revolution to become the go-to expert in your niche


YES PLEASE! I would like to learn how to become THE go-to expert on TikTok

This simple but highly effective strategy will help you... 

Get crystal clear guidance about how to start and grow on TikTok, so your ideal customer falls into your lap

Beat the overwhelm of not knowing how to start on TikTok with simplified strategies and step-by-step instructions

Experience Growth and Progress on TikTok by implementing easy strategies for increased video views, followers, and engagement

Learn the time-saving techniques I personally use to film and edit videos in the TikTok app. And also learn how to be found by your ideal customers.

Utilise YOUR unique personality to stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself with your own style and engaging content

Never struggle for inspiration again! With plenty of content ideas which have been proven to convert followers into warm leads

Don't just take my word for it...

YES PLEASE! I would like to learn how to become THE go-to expert on TikTok


BUT this solution does not work for everyone


 It is likely to work for you if:

  • You know you SHOULD be on TikTok but you have no idea where to start
  • You’re willing to schedule some time each week to nail TikTok (yes, there’s a learning curve, and no it won’t happen overnight)
  • You are going to commit to 6 months of consistent action taking
  • You want more customers without having to chase them
  • You want a step-by-step blueprint to learn how TikTok works and beat the overwhelm
  • You want to become the go-to expert in your niche

 This is NOT for you if...

  • You don't have the time or energy to learn the platform and system
  • You don’t want to show your face or talk on camera
  • You want to do those videos where you point at words on the screen
  • You think TikTok is only for the kids 
  • You're someone who gives up easily


Think you're a good fit?


Then TikTok Mastery is the perfect solution


Here's what you get:

Learn about the incredible organic reach of TikTok, including:

  • How you can use the powerful algorithm to your advantage and get in front of hundreds (if not thousands) of new people every day
  • Optimising your profile and utilising SEO so you can be found by your ideal customer 
  • How I built my account to 78K followers, but actually made more money from an account with just 3K followers


 Value £197




A step-by-step beginners guide including:

  • Video tutorials showing you how the app works
  • A printable manual to complement the videos, for you to refer back to whenever you need 
  • A daily action plan for you to follow so you can grow quickly on TikTok
  • My absolutely essential Top 10 TikTok tips - showing you how to get more views and get in front more of your ideal customers easier and quicker than any other platform
  • Removes the overwhelm of how to start, and how to learn to create videos


Value: £297




Filming and editing simplified

  • Learn how to film and edit inside the app itself
  • No need to use any other app or equipment
  • These are SIMPLE techniques which will not overwhelm or confuse you, but will still ensure your videos are seen by hundreds of new people every day
  • Download an easy-to-follow checklist to make sure every video has the best chance of getting lots of views and making sales
  • Use my 50 TikTok Hooks document and watch your videos skyrocket into people’s phone screens


Value: £697


And it doesn't stop there! 

I'm also offering these incredible bonuses...


Confidence on Camera Workshop

Feel scared about getting on camera?

But know it’s the right thing for your business?

Well I’m going to show you the exact steps you can take to conquer your camera fears in this one-off BONUS workshop

Value: £297


30-Day 'No Inspiration Needed' Content Plan

It's all very well having the technical know-how, but what on earth are you meant to post?

I have the answer...

For the next 30 days, you can just follow my simple content plan

Stop spending time worrying about what to post, it's all done for you


Value £197

YES PLEASE! I would like to learn how to become THE go-to expert on TikTok


Just imagine, in 3 months from now you will:

  • have a crystal clear idea of how to start on TikTok, thanks to the straightforward step-by-step training course 
  • Know what content works best to attract your ideal followers 
  • see your TikTok following grow significantly
  • have a TikTok account which will be more engaged - receiving comments, likes, and shares from your audience
  • have increased confidence in your ability to succeed on the platform 
  • be well on your way to becoming an established authority in your niche
  • feel pride to have embraced the TikTok challenge, learning from things that don’t work so well, and continuously improving your TikTok strategy
  • feel in control of your TikTok journey, knowing exactly how to film, edit, post, and progress towards your goals



You get access to all of this:


Learn about the incredible organic reach of TikTok

Value: £197



Step-by-step beginners guide to TikTok (including daily action plan)

Value: £297/m



Filming and editing inside the TikTopk app simplified

Value: £697/m



Plus the two BONUSES 



Confidence on Camera Workshop

 Value: £297


30 Day 'No Inspiration Needed' Content Plan

Value: £197



For just £199


Exploding Head on Apple iOS 16.4


And all without ANY risk to you with my 100% 14-day money-back guarantee


That's right. If you change your mind within the first 14 days, you can send one quick email and you will receive a no-questions-asked full refund 
YES PLEASE! I would like to learn how to become THE go-to expert on TikTok

Just imagine... this could be you:

Lisa Santos

"Thanks to this program, my TikTok channel skyrocketed from 3k to over 58k followers

I’ve also made sales in my own low-ticket course and have added over 3,000 new subscribers to my email lists

I highly recommend Michelle's program to anyone looking to thrive on TikTok"

Jude Harford


"Only a week after my first video (my customer) ... saved LOADS of money with me (about £600/month off bills!!) and was so pleased that she has also joined my team as a partner!!!!


THANKS Michelle!!"

You can see the process works! So now you have three options...


Option 1




You can stay where you are, wondering whether TikTok will help you get more customers, or you can stay struggling on there on your own



Option 2




You can decide not to bother with TikTok at all, and stick with what you’re currently doing (hopefully you have all the customers you need) 



Option 3




You can follow the journey of many like-minded business owners who ALL learnt how to become the go-to experts on TikTok and skyrocketed their business


So why would you listen to me?

Well, I...


  • Grew a TikTok account to 78K followers
  • Have had viral videos multiple times (and have helped students achieve the same)
  • Made over £50k from my small account with 3,200 followers in just 6 months
  • Made high ticket (£500 plus) sales within 6 months of starting on TikTok (and that’s without knowing what I was doing) 
  • Have helped countless students make THEIR first sales from TikTok 
  • Am obsessed with TikTok, and I absorb everything about it so I can pass on my knowledge to my students


YES PLEASE! I would like to learn how to become THE go-to expert on TikTok

Still unsure? Here are some of the most common questions I get...

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
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All results stated above are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Any of my strategies and case studies are only estimates of what is possible. There is no assurance you’ll do as well or even close to as well as I have done or other clients. Results are based on many factors including luck, hard work, effort and years of hard work. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, your business model, or your work ethic etc. Therefore, we do not guarantee or imply that you will get better results or earn more money, that you will do as well, especially if the techniques are never implemented. If you rely upon our figures; you must accept the risk of not doing as well.
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